
第九条 at 威尼斯人网上娱乐

As part of 威尼斯人网上娱乐's response to COVID-19, the 第九条 Office is currently offering both remote and in-person access to its services.  For more information about available services, including how to access those services remotely or in-person, please contact Drake's 第九条协调员 Samantha Nordstrom directly at 萨曼莎.nordstrom@威尼斯人网上娱乐.edu or by calling (515) 271-4956.

Samantha Nordstrom is the University's 第九条协调员. Samantha coordinates the University's response to concerns of sexual and interpersonal misconduct in their various forms including:

  • Sex-based discrimination (including sex-based harassment, 性侵犯, 性暴力, and sexual exploitation);
  • Interpersonal misconduct (including domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking); and
  • Retaliation against anyone seeking assistance, 提出投诉, or participating in an investigation of sexual or interpersonal misconduct.

If you have experienced sexual or interpersonal misconduct, please know that there are people here who can 支持 you and provide you with 资源 to help you make informed choices.  在这个网站上, you will find 资源 and answers to questions you might have, as well as a complete overview of 报告选项 any incidents of sexual or interpersonal misconduct.


For information about materials used to train 第九条 investigators, adjudicators and other personnel involved in investigating, 应对, coordinating or otherwise assisting in the adjudication of complaints of sexual harassment go to http://nmy3.xjiu.net/titleix/education/.

U.S. Department of 教育 Regulatory Updates 

  • Effective August 14, 2020, Drake has a new 性骚扰政策.
  • 2020年5月6日:美国.S. Department of 教育 released its Final Regulations Addressing Sexual Harassment, 包括冗长的, 2,000+ page preamble explaining the purpose and addressing the over 124,000条评论,美国.S. Department of 教育 received regarding the Draft Proposed 第九条 Regulations it released in 2018.  威尼斯人网上娱乐, along with every institution receiving federal financial aid, must comply with these new regulations, which went into effect August 14, 2020.  Individuals with questions or concerns about the new regulations are encouraged to reach out to Samantha Nordstrom, as the 第九条协调员 here at Drake. 
  • 2019年1月31日:美国大选结束.S. Department of 教育 released its Draft Proposed 第九条 Regulations 在11月.  The public comment period closed January 30, 2019. The Department received over 100,000 comments and will now work to review those comments and finalize the regulations – there is no timeline or deadline for the final rules.  Drake will review any new regulations to determine whether changes in university policy or procedure are necessary. 不管, Drake will remain focused on prevention, 支持, and appropriate and equitable response to complaints.



Drake recognizes the problem of sexual and interpersonal misconduct in our society and continues to take steps to listen to concerns, educate the campus community, and treat reports of sexual and interpersonal misconduct seriously and equitably. 定义线条. 尊重底线. emphasizes that while everybody has the right to determine their own line when it comes to sexual behavior, there is one clear line at Drake: sexual or interpersonal misconduct is not tolerated, 接受, 或忽视. Think, talk, learn, listen, and act in a way that respects this line—we are all part of Drake.

There are four principles behind 定义线条. 尊重底线. and the culture we strive to create at Drake: 

预防: 教育 and discussion are crucial to establishing and enforcing our social norms and what we as a community expect at Drake. We must continue to talk about respect and consent.

沟通: More communication is better, both between sexual partners and also in our community, so that people feel comfortable discussing sexuality or 性暴力 without fear or judgment.  

干预: We have people of outstanding character at Drake. When something does not look right, we should be empowered to trust that intuition and intervene to ensure everyone is comfortable and safe with the situation. 

支持: If you or someone you know experiences sexual or interpersonal misconduct, 威尼斯人网上娱乐有员工, 资源, and procedures in place that can provide 支持.


If you are having difficulty accessing or navigating this website, please contact the 第九条协调员. 

Contact Drake 公共安全

*Employee reporters submitting reports through this form should follow up with the 第九条协调员 at (515) 271-4956.

Quick contacts to reach confidential 支持

  • VIP student 支持 or advocacy
    515-512-2972 (call or text)
  • Polk County Crisis and Advocacy
  • Professional advocate at the Counseling Center 
        - Thursdays 3:00-4:30 during fall & 春季学期